Sunday 30 January 2011


For our teen horror opening we needed to get two props to carry out our opening. The props we used were a fake knife and fake blood. We got these from our local fancy dress shop and were only cheap as we didnt need to use them for long.

30th January 2011

Today we went back out to film footage for our opening. We decided to change our time to the afternoon as last time we filmed it was too dark and the opening didnt flow aswell. We used a lot of different camera angles today and camera movements such as tracking and panning. We also decided to add on an extra scene at the start as we didnt think it would last for 2 minutes. We willl now go out next weekend to film the final scenes for our opening, which includes the props that we brought.

17th January 2011

Today we decided to go out and film more footage for our horror opening as we dont have atleast half an hour of footage yet. When we got to our location we started to film more scenes using different camera angles, as we did this because of the time we filmed at it started getting too dark so in some of our footage we decided to not use them as you couldnt see it clear. We then decided we would change the time of our opening from evening time to afternoon time, so that it is easier to view all of our footage.

Friday 14 January 2011

12th January 2011

Today we uploaded our footage onto our computer in the media room, we looked through all of it and noticed we needed to film more. This is because we only have about 3 minutes worth of filming. We now also need to re-film the start of it as it looks to light to the rest of our footage.

11th January 2011

Today our group took out a camera to film some footage for our horror opening. We went to our chosen location after school before it started to get dark, as we wanted the lighting to be a little bit dark but a good lighting so we could still film. We stuck to our storyboards for the start of our opening but we also added in more scenes so the whole opening would flow together. It took us about an hour to get all the footage we needed, but because of the lighting we may need to go back n film the start of our opening.

Friday 7 January 2011

6th January 2011

Today my group collected our memory card to store all our footage on for when we start to film for our horror opening. We had planned to begin filming in the christmas holidays but due to weaher conditions we post-poned it to next week after school.