Thursday 25 November 2010


For our horror opening it needs to be classified as the certifcate of 15. I looked up the factors of a 15 film on This is what i found:

Suitable only for 15 years and over

No one younger than 15 may see a ‘15’ film in a cinema. No one younger than 15 may rent or buy a ‘15’ rated video work.


The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour.


Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.


Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.

Imitable behaviour

Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.


There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, ‘fuck’). The strongest terms (for example, ‘cunt’) may be acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.


Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.


Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour, but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptable unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.


No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.


Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

The art of the title.

In todays lesson I watched opening titles on the website Art of the title, this then now gives us ideas on what to put on our opening titles. I watched Deadwood, Halloween & Mirror Mask.

  • Actors and actresses names.

  • Editor

  • Production designer

  • Director of photography

  • Co- producer

  • Consulting producer

  • Producer

  • Co-executive producer

  • Title

  • Writer

  • Director


  • Production company name

  • Actors name

  • Director

  • Title

  • Producer

  • Actress/ Actors names

  • Featuring

  • Screenplay

  • Director of photography

  • Film editors

  • Music by

  • Associate producer

  • Production manager

  • Production designer

  • Executive producer

  • Location

  • Time setting

Mirror Mask.

  • Company name

  • Production company name

  • Producer

  • Actor/ Actresses names

  • Composer

  • Sound editors

  • Supervisor and producer

  • Casting director

  • Editor

  • Director of photography

  • Executive producers

  • Screenplay

  • Story by

  • Designer

  • Title
From watching each of these openings, it has given me ideas on how to create my groups horror opening titles. I have noticed that you dont have to have the title of the film first and the main actors/actresses names are usually bigger than others.

17th November 2010

Location 3- Brambleside.

Advantages- Space, lighting, quiet.
Disadvantages- Rubbish and people.

17th November 2010

Location 2- Regent Street Alleyway 2.

Advantages- nothing.
Disadvantages- lighting, space & rubbish.

17th November 2010

Location 1- Regent Street Alleyway 1.

Advantages- Lighting
Disadvantages- Rubbish, Space.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

10th November 2010


In todays lesson we finished off the storyboards for our teen horror opening. We used different camera angles, shots and movements.

10th November 2010


Chloe Robinson playing Victoria West.
Stephanie Smith playing Sarah Parker.
Jessica Bruton playing Louise Frost.
James Smith playing John James.

Victoria West- Sociable, Outgoing and quirky.
- Scared of cramped spaces (Claustrophobic)

Sarah Parker- Sociable, Quiet and Friendly.
- Scared of the dark.

Louise Frost- Friendly, Sociable, easy to get along with.

John James- Dry, Evil and Freaky.
- Family Man.

Monday 8 November 2010

8th November 2010.

In todays lesson me and my group starting storyboarding our opening for our teen horror film. We used different camera shots, angles and movements to experiment with the different techniques.

[pictures posted when finished]

Sunday 7 November 2010

Opening Ideas

Opening Idea 1.

Two teenage girls called Victoria and Sarah are walking home from a friends house, and take a shortcut through a nearby alleyway. Sarah stops to tie her shoelaces and Victoria goes on ahead on her mobile phone. She then notices that Sarah isn't there anymore and thinks she's just messing around. She walks further back into the alley and discovers Sarahs dead body, before she registers this, a voice comes out of the shadows and says 'Your Next'. Victoria then tries to run back towards her friends house but someone grabs her from behind and stabs her.

Opening Idea 2.

A teenage girl is taking a walk through the woods to go meet her friends for a camp out. As she walks through a number of strange things start to occur on her walk. She hears noices and thinks its her friends messing around but as she walks on her friends dont seem to be at the place where they are going to meet. She tries calling them put theres no answer so she carries on walking incase they're on their way. As she turns the corner of the pathway she spots a trail of blood, she then decides to follow it. The teenage girl is then suprised at what she finds at the end of the trail, a dead body.

For our opening we have decided to choose opening 1 as we think this links more into the plot of our teen horror film. We now have ideas of who to cast and different locations we could use.

Friday 5 November 2010

1st November 2010

In todays lesson everyone did their pitchs for their teen horror film. One person was absent from our group today so we sat back and watched everyone while also using their pitchs ideas to see if we did the task correct.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

20th October 2010.

In todays lesson we started and finished making our pitch for our teen horror movie. Our group thought of different ideas we thought were good and put them altogether to create the pitch with a working title and a storyline of the whole film. This is now finished to pitch to Mr Henton on the 1st of November. We also have ideas for when we move onto the pre-production stage of the task.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Prelimary Task Storyboards.

These are pictures of our prelim task storyboards, they gave us an idea on what we were going to film. When filming we started off with the shots from our storyboards but also added a few extra shots to extend the film and use a different range of camera shots and movements.

Monday 11 October 2010

Prelimary Task

In todays double lesson me and my group edited our prelimary task together. We used a range of video transitions and created credits at the start and end of our film.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

6/10/10- Wrong Turn

In todays lesson we watched the first 3 mintues of the film Wrong Turn and took notes on the the visual and audio techniques used.

Homework- Wrong Turn.
The audio effects we noticed in the opening were things such as the tempo of the music. The tempo and sound builds up when danger gets closer to the characters, every now and again there will be a loud drumming to show the danger is coming. The tempo will start of slower and then build up quicker as danger is approaching. We also noticed that all the music used to build up tension is orchestrial, using insturments like violins.

The sounds in the opening are louder than they would be realisticly. This will automatically make the audience jump when watching. As the music builds up what it coming then the sounds are enhanced. Like when the rope unravels down the cliff it sounds really loud to make the audience feel worried about whats going to happen next.

There are also lots of different visual effects used in the opening to Wrong Turn. The variety of camera angles and movements used show tension. At the start of the film there is a birds eye view shot of the area where the chacraters are showing that there are in the middle of know where. There is also lots of point of view shots in the opening this builds up the tension more as you can see whats going on from the characters view. The point of view shot is used when the girl sees her boyfriend fall down to the ground and when she is also being chased by what killed her boyfriend. This will worry the audience as they ccan see it through the character eyes.

The point of view shot also gets used when the characters are climbing the cliff shwoing how high up they are and how dangerous it can be. Other shots used are low angle shots and high angle shots when they boy gets to the top of the cliff showing power as he made it to the top first. To also build up tension they change from shot to shot quicker to show what is going on at different points.

Prelim Task Filming- 5th October 2010.

Today my group filmed the footage for our prelim task. During the time we filmed we used a variety of different shots and camera movements so we have lots to experiment with when we edit  it all together to form our final prelimary task. We then put our footage from the camera to the macs ready to edit.

Monday 4 October 2010

4th October 2010.

In todays lesson we talked about different conventions to look for in films. These are Narratives, Characters, Settings and Iconography.

We also then watched three 5 mintue openings to horror films, we watched jeepers creepers that was released in 2001, jeepers creepers 2 that was released in 2003 and dead wood that was released in 2007.

Sunday 3 October 2010

The History of Horror Films.

29th September 2010

In todays lesson I was absent but when I came back to school I catched up on the work I missed, in the lesson they:
Got introduced to the concept of film genre and looked at the conventions that we would expect to find in a horror film.

We were also asked to do a powerpoint on the history of horror films and on a chosen horror movie, I did this in my own time and my film was called 'dont look now'.

Monday 27 September 2010

Prelimary Task

27th September- Today we had a double lesson and got split up into two groups one half went to film for the first half and the other half went to do some more editing on the imacs and learnt how to put footage from the camera to the imac, our group was in the mac suite first were we listened and watched a small demonstration on how to put footage from the camera to the imac. Afterwards we then got to edit a piece of footage using final cut. In the second half of the double lesson we went out to film different footage for our prelimary task.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

What we have done so far.

8th September 2010- We had an introduction to our course and we also learnt how to set up our blogger accounts to keep our work on.

13th September 2010-  Double Lesson. We set up our school email addresses so we can send work from home to school and vice versa. We also learnt how to set up a slideshare account and got into groups for our prelimary task. My group consists of me, chloe and chelsea We also talked about our prelimary task and what it involves. At the end of the lesson we watch two clips on camera angles and camera movements.

15th September 2010- Today we looked at camera movements and camera shots in further detail. We then went on to discuss our prelimary task with our group and started to make a storyboard for the task. Which included things such as what each shot would be and what movements and sounds it would contain.

20th September 2010- Today we carried on with our storyboards for our prelimary task. We also then had a look at how to use the cameras, knowing what buttons to use and so on. We then got told our group name for our prelimary task. Our group is called 'Allen' after the director Woody Allen.

22nd September- Today we went onto the mac computers and learnt how to use Final cut, this is the programme we will be using to edit our prelimary task together.