Thursday 5 May 2011


4th May- Uploading to YouTube

We created a youtube account so that we could upload our video onto the internet and could get feedback from various people. The link to our video is

3rd May- Burning to DVD

Today we are burning our preliminary task and our main task to DVD so it is ready to be sent of to the exam board. On this DVD we had to write our candidate names and numbers.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

1st April- Editing

In our free lessons today we started to edit the shot of the television and Stephanie together to make it look like Stephanie was appearing on the television. We dragged the image of the ghostly girl onto the television screen and then added special effects to the screen to give the appearance of the television flickering on. We then needed to find a sound effect to go along with the image. We found this from a website called 'FreeSound' and we found the sound; "50500_Gaiamuse_TV_Static". We thought that this sounded good so we put this onto a memory stick and inserted it into our footage.

31st March- Additonal Filming

Today we got a camera out, and filmed Stephanie in a white night-dress, with dark make-up running down her face, with hair on her face. We got a number of shots of her looking up at the camera. We then uploaded our footage of Stephanie onto the iMacs, and inserted it into FinalCut, ready to be edited tomorrow.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

30th March - Sound

Today we added sound to our footage.
First we deleted all of the vocals that we already had in our footage and chose a sound clip that we thought went well with the footage we had.
Then we got a sound recording of a girl laughing, and edited it in GarageBand to make it sound eerie.
For the opening titles, we added in a voice recording of 'ring a ring of roses' and edited in the same way as the girl's giggling.
We then added in a mobile phone ring tone for when the girl received a message.

We are now going to go out to film the last shot of the TV, to put our footage of the girl onto the screen, and we will film the ghostly girl tomorrow.
We are still thinking of an alternative name for our horror opening that we can add onto our filming at the end. We have a few ideas but have not came to a conclusion yet.

29th March- Creating Titles.

Today we carried on adding titles into our opening, putting them over different frames with names such as actors names, director and producer. We spaced them out over different frames and by using two different colours (black & white) to create more of a sense of threat.